Just another way to do RG-8X with a PL259 adaptor. To do it
the standard way - I don’t like that much heat & really don’t have a
giant iron that will solder a 259 thru the holes correctly.
This way you could pre-tin the adaptor (didn’t look like I did in the
picture, but I should have) and solder the shield to the adaptor and
you have a very strong unit. Tighten it up with pliers. I
haven’t - but bet you could pre-tin and make a small tack point
where the bases join to ensure a good electrical connection to the
Only trick to doing this way is “you have to keep all the braid flat &
neat to the adaptor” or it won’t be room for it to screw in.
Other advantages are: if you mess up, with a little force this
is un-do-able - you can save your 259 & adaptor, you can see your
results before it's all inside the 259 - overheats and melts can be
No matter what or how you put a connector on a piece of coax - be
sure and check for continuity from center to center and from shield
to shield, make sure there is no short from center to shield.
Ray AA4UK |